Sunday, November 3, 2013

Ch. 17 - Personal Selling and Sales Management

Nike’s way of persuading its consumers is kind of different then what most companies do, for an example Nike town does not offer discounts on their items. But if you was to go to a retail store like Foot Locker House of Hoops, Finish Line, or even Champs Sports they offer discounts quite often. Nike relies mainly on the sales associate of any of the stores I mentioned previously to actually make the sale because it is harder to sell products when there are not much discounts or even coupons.  Nike tends to hire associates devoted to providing as much information as possible specific to consumer preferences wants and needs. Most employees of Nike have an athletic background and because of the relationship that might have started far before their careers started at Nike had such positive feedback they never second guess supporting the cause of Nike. This is where a conversation a buyer and seller might have concerning a specific activity, both familiar with the activity the seller gains an advantage in knowing what benefits a certain product can provide within a particular activity. In the midst of all that can happen during one's shopping experience, Nike is highly skilled in their sales process. So much that it doesn't seem like a sale but a favor or service given or done for a customer after the interaction.
 C.E.O of Nike ken Hicks in the August 20,2012 issue of Forbes Magazine

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