Sunday, October 20, 2013

Ch. 14 - Marketing Channels and Retailing

Nike has many retailers from physical retailers to online retailers, but Nike also allows other stores to sell their products therefore penetrating the market in many different ways. Nike has several ways in where it reaches the consumer through physical stores. Nike has flagship stores around the country called Nike Town for the corresponding state that is resides in for example "Nike Town New York", and "Nike Town Chicago", and others around the country. Nike Town offers everything that is Nike, to its consumers ranging from Nike newly released sneakers and other equipment ranging in several sports. Nike also has many "Nike Factory" retailers around the country; these are Nike outlets that are usually located in malls and outlets around the country.  Nike also permits chain stores such as Finish Line and Footlocker retailers to sell various products from Nike these products consists of sweats, sweaters, and of course their sneakers once again mostly focusing on selling their sneakers. Nike also has a online retailer which offers basically everything that is sold at Nike Town retailers.

At Nike Town retailers Nike offers an appealing entrance at their retailers with a very athletic feel to the store. With the store consisting of three colors mainly white and black with orange accents sometimes even blue depending on promotions that might be going on at the time. As soon as you walk in there are manikins sporting a jersey or even a t-shirt with the athletic build, in some cases you might even see sporting equipment surely depending on the section of the store you are in. When you walk into Nike Town New York you are welcomed by 32 Heavy build mannequins each one sporting a NFL jersey for every different team in the NFL, the mannequins all are heavily equipped with padding, gloves, and cleats to look like the actual football players in the NFL. This presentation was put into Nike Town New York after Nike signed a contract with the NFL for the exclusive rights to make and sell the official NFL jerseys. This promotion was built in to Nike Town New York initially to promote the new Nike NFL jerseys to its consumers.
Nike Town NYC

Nike Town NY Entrance
Nike Town San Fransisco
Nike Town Chicago

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